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Ezidikhan Government Delegation Meets with India’s External Affairs Minister Swaraj

by on 2018-03-02

[Lalish, Ezidikhan 2 March 2018]  – Prime Minister Waheed Mandoo Hammo led a ministerial delegation for a diplomatic visit during the week of January 27–29 to the Government of India for meetings with External Affairs Sushma Swaraj. Prime Minister Hammo and Minister Swaraj conducted constructive talks concerning the economic, political and strategic needs of the Ezidikhan peoples. The delegation was seeking support from India as well for the establishment of a special International Criminal Tribunal for Yezidi and Neighboring Peoples in light of the August 2014 massacre of Yezidi and other peoples in Northern Iraq.

The delegation met with other Indian ministers including the Minister of Religions. The Ezidikhan delegation met with several Indian ministers in addition to Swaraj regarding security and training needs, funding support to Ezidikhan to rebuild and organize the return of Ezidikhan people to their homes and diplomatic support in relations with other countries. Joining the Ezidikhan delegation was Baba Salem Daound, second only to the Baba Sheikh in the hierarchy of Ezidikhan Supreme Spiritual Council.

In a communiqué released on 10 February Prime Minister Hammo wrote to Swaraj, “My government and indeed my people are profoundly pleased to know of the support that non-profits in India will extend help to establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Yezidi and Neighboring Peoples. And, I must say the genuine commitments made by your government are most welcome to help rebuild Ezidikhan and support our program to organize the return of Ezidikhan people who were forced into refugee status internally and externally.”

These meetings are part of the Ezidikhan Rebuild and Return diplomatic initiative that has also led to talks with the Iraqi leadership and representatives of other governments. The Ezidikhan government is actively seeking engagements for financial and technical support to rebuild from further diplomatic contacts in Europe and Asia.

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