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Ezidikhan Governing Council approves Food Code

by on 2019-03-29

[Lalish, Ezidikhan. 29 March 2019] A Food Code for Ezidikhan (GCR 5-20-02-19) has been unanimously adopted by the Governing Council of the Nation of Ezidikhan. The Code establishes definitions; sets standards for handling, distribution, management and personnel, food operations, and equipment and facilities; and provides for food establishment plan review, permit issuance, inspections, employee restrictions, and permit suspension based in Ezidikhan customary practices and widely accepted standards for promotion of public health.

Ezidikhan Prime Minister Barjis Soso Kalaf expressed satisfaction with the Code and the Council’s decision. “The Government of Ezidikhan has by the decisions of its Governing Council established a new Code of Regulations on Food to ensure the highest quality of food production and distribution among the people of Ezidikhan,” he announced. “This act will ensure that trade with other nations and states from the products of our farmers will be of the very best nutritional benefit.”

“The Government of Ezidikhan has by the decisions of its Governing Council established a new Code of Regulations on Food to ensure the highest quality of food production and distribution among the people of Ezidikhan. This act will ensure that trade with other nations and states from the products of our farmers will be of the very best nutritional benefit.”

-Ezidikhan Prime Minister Barjis Soso Kalaf

The Code rules that foodstuffs produced or imported into Ezidikhan “shall be safe, unadulterated, and as specified under Ezidikhan law honestly presented for consumption to ensure public health…Food shall be obtained from sources that comply with customary and derived law. Processed or packaged foods shall be labeled as specified by Ezidikhan law indicating origin as well as identification of processor.”

The Office of the Prime Minister, seeking to continue the agricultural heritage of Yezidis and to undertake trade and diplomatic relations with neighboring peoples, nations and states, had tasked the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry for Economy and Trade with the mission to draft and recommend to the Governing Council rules and practices for trade and diplomatic relations that advance the economic wellbeing of the people of Ezidikhan.

“My ministry will work to ensure full compliance with the laws and regulations contained in the Code.”

-Health Minister Naji Hassan

Health Minister Naji Hassan: “I am proud of the Governing Council’s decision to establish Ezidikhan’s Food Code. My ministry will work to ensure full compliance with the laws and regulations contained in the Code.”

This Resolution was duly considered by a quorum and voted on February 22nd 2019 by the Governing Council with seven voting for adoption and none voting to oppose adoption.

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