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Ezidikhan Government no longer ‘Provisional’

by on 2023-07-27

Government of Ezidikhan is no longer ‘Provisional’

Ezidikhan Prime Minister Barjis Soho Khalaf has affirmed in a proclamation signed into law on 23 July that “the hitherto known ‘Provisional Government of Ezidikhan’ shall henceforth be deemed and known as the Government of the Nation of Ezidikhan.”

The Prime Minister lawfully affirmed that the Government of Ezidikhan will permanently represent the Yezidi people in law domestically and internationally and shall no longer act as a provisional or interim, or transitional Government. The provisional Government of Ezidikhan was established by the Yezidi Supreme Spiritual Council Proclamation of July 2017, forming the first modern central Government in the 6,779-year history of the Yezidi. The Provisional Government amended the Ezidikhan Constitution, enacted laws, established judicial and enforcement authorities, engaged in economic development, and entered into agreements with internationally recognized nations, private organizations, and other entities and individuals. These and other actions have been taken to preserve, protect and strengthen Ezidikhan’s national autonomy and territorial integrity.

Considering the continuing dire plight of its citizens, the challenges facing Ezidikhan currently far outweigh its Government’s meager resources. Slowly and yet inexorably, Ezidikhan is entering the 21st Century.”