Ezidikhan Proclaims Its National Borders
Ezidikhan Declares Its National Borders with Its Neighbors — and the World
[Lalish, Ezidikhan. August 13] Talks conducted since June 2020 between Yezidi House, the Yezidi Spiritual Council and the Government of Ezidikhan have concluded in unanimous agreement on Ezidikhan’s approximate borders. On August 6th a meeting of senior Yezidi sheikhs representing Yezidi House, the Yezidi Spiritual Council and the Government of Ezidikhan resulted in unanimous agreement, with none opposed or abstaining.
The borders of Ezidikhan’s new official map are to be based upon linguistic boundaries, as Yezidis converse in their own dialect that is similar yet distinct from dialects spoken by neighboring Kurds.
The National Borders Proclamation, signed into Ezidikhan law by Prime Minister Barjis Soho Khalaf, states that “It is essential to Ezidikhan’s security to establish clearly defined and demarcated borders in order to secure those borders or political boundaries separating Ezidikhan territory from that of its immediate neighbors and to regulate the movement of people, animals, and goods into and out of Ezidikhan territory.”
The Proclamation also draws attention to Ezidikhan’s policy of Open Borders with neighboring territories within Iraq. At the same time, Ezidikhan retains “the right to close its borders at times to better regulate the entry of animals, people and goods” whenever it may be necessary for the health and security of the citizens of Ezidikhan.
The Proclamation signed into law by Prime Minister today concludes by affirming that “the affixed map demarcates the Nation of Ezidikhan’s approximate borders and shall be referenced in any further discussion of its borders.”
In other words, the agreement among all concerned parties to borders newly demarcated along linguistic lines is all part of a larger diplomatic push by Yezidis to establish Ezidikhan as an equally recognised member of the greater Iraqi community of nations. Indeed, talks with the Iraqi central government in Baghdad are expected to begin as early as August 15th.
The map with its approximate borders is a vital step by Ezidikhan toward autonomy, one that is certain to be a point contention as well as concord.
The National Borders of Ezidikhan Proclamation of 13 August 2023 may also be downloaded here below.