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Charter of Ezidikhan’s Justice Tribunal unveiled

by on 2024-04-14

[Lalish, 14 April 2024] After many months of patient negotiation and consultation with legal experts, the Government of Ezidikhan has approved the all-important Charter legal document that defines and authorizes the Nations’ International Criminal Tribunal (NICT) to bring to trial individuals or entities accused of complicity in acts of genocide stemming from the August 2014 onslaught against the Yezidi nation by ISIS and its co-conspirators.

The detailed 94-page document lays out the legal parameters that define, restrict and empower the NICT to bring to justice suspects accused of such serious crimes against humanity as were planned and committed by agents of ISIS and its conspiring parties. The entire 94-page Charter is now available for public distribution on the Ezidikhan.net website.